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How you can give something back to society

There are many ways in which you can give back to society and support a local charity. In recent times charities have been financially hit with the pandemic shop closures, although the number of those that they support have in most cases risen.

However, there are ways in which we can all help, and it is not all down to making a donation. There are other things that can be done.


Becoming a volunteer for your favorite charity is a very beneficial use of your spare time. You may feel that you already work full-time and therefore do not want to spend your spare time working in a charity shop.

However, volunteering does not have to be limited to working in a charity shop. There are plenty of other roles that you could do within the volunteering field. These are such things as putting donation envelopes or bags through doors of your local community, carrying out driving duties either collecting filled charity bags or if your chosen charity is an animal charity then giving some of your spare time to help look after some of those very animals if your animal shelter is situated close to you.

Setting up a lottery

Setting up your own charity lottery is another really good way to get money flowing toward your chosen charity, and it may not be as scary as you imagine. Having a professional and highly experienced business to provide you with a Managed Charity Lottery will take all the headache out of it for you so that you can concentrate on selling as many lottery tickets as you possibly can so your charity can really benefit.

Another good way is to look into holding a charity raffle if, for some reason, you are still baffled by the idea of a charity lottery, and there are businesses that will help you set up and support you should you feel that this is the way to go.


Fundraising can encompass a vast and varied array of pastimes, such as hosting sponsored events, like sponsored runs or sponsored swims. Even the aforementioned raffles or lotteries come under this heading. However, there are other fundraising tasks that can be very profitable for your chosen charity and can be great fun to host too.

These are such things as holding charity events within your community or at a local business for all to enjoy. With all proceeds going to charity, you will need to make sure that you have enough area so that you can get all the stalls in of the people who would like to join in.

You will need to make sure that you have something for everyone, games, etc., for the kids, and cakes and tea stalls for refreshments, to name a few areas that will need to be covered. If you feel overwhelmed with this idea, it is a good idea to get your local shops involved and ask if they would either like to donate items or have their own stalls. This works in two ways for the local businesses, in one way they get to support the charity and in another they get to show off their wears and maybe gain some extra customers too.

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